Are you a student in Class 8 struggling with subject-verb agreement?

Fret no more! We have put together a solved worksheet on subject-verb agreement to help you master this grammar rule.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the matching of a verb’s form with the subject of a sentence.

It`s crucial to ensure that the subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third).

Let’s dive into the solved worksheet!

1) Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank:

The group of students (was/were) excited about the upcoming field trip.

Answer: The correct verb is « was » because « group » is a singular noun.

2) Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank:

Neither of the boys (is/are) interested in playing football.

Answer: The correct verb is « is » because « neither » refers to two things and is always singular.

3) Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blank:

My cousin and I (enjoy/enjoys) playing video games together.

Answer: The correct verb is « enjoy » because the subject « my cousin and I » is plural.

4) Choose the correct verb to fill in the blank:

The audience (was/were) engrossed in the movie.

Answer: The correct verb is « was » because « audience » is a singular noun.

5) Choose the correct form of the verb to fill in the blank:

Each of the players (has/have) a unique talent.

Answer: The correct verb is « has » because « each » refers to one thing and is always singular.

By practicing these exercises, you can develop the habit of correctly matching the subject and verb in your sentences. Remember to always identify the subject of the sentence and choose the correct verb form accordingly.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of proper grammar. We hope this solved worksheet helps you improve your grammar skills and ace your exams!