When it comes to business transactions, the terms and conditions of the agreement are crucial. One type of agreement that often comes up in business dealings is a standstill agreement. In Ontario, this type of agreement is commonly used in mergers, acquisitions, and other business transactions. In this article, we will explore what a standstill agreement is, its purpose, and how it operates in Ontario.

What is a Standstill Agreement?

A standstill agreement is a legal agreement that regulates the behavior of the parties involved in a business transaction. It is a contract between a buyer and a seller that specifies the terms and conditions of the transaction. A standstill agreement can be used to prevent the seller from soliciting other offers or engaging in activities that could interfere with the sale of the company.

Purpose of a Standstill Agreement

The purpose of a standstill agreement is to provide both the buyer and the seller with protection during the negotiation period of a business transaction. The buyer wants to make sure that the seller does not back out of the deal and sell to someone else, while the seller wants to ensure that the buyer is serious about purchasing the company and is not just looking for information.

How Does a Standstill Agreement Work in Ontario?

In Ontario, a standstill agreement is legally binding and enforceable. It is drafted by lawyers and signed by both parties involved in the transaction. The agreement typically includes provisions that restrict the seller from discussing the deal with other potential buyers or soliciting other offers during a specific period that is specified in the contract. It may also include provisions that restrict the buyer from disclosing any confidential information they obtain during the negotiation period.

The standstill agreement is typically put in place after the buyer has expressed an interest in purchasing the company, but before any definitive agreements have been signed. The agreement usually sets out a timetable for the transaction, including a deadline for the buyer to complete their due diligence and make an offer.


In conclusion, a standstill agreement is a crucial element in negotiating business transactions in Ontario. It provides both the buyer and the seller with protections during the negotiation phase of a transaction. If you are involved in a business transaction in Ontario, it is essential to have a standstill agreement in place to safeguard your interests. It is also essential to consult a lawyer experienced in business transactions to ensure that your agreement meets all legal requirements and is enforceable.