Restricted Mudarabah Agreement: Understanding its Features and Benefits

Islamic finance has gained significant popularity in the past few years, largely due to its ability to offer ethical and sustainable alternatives to conventional financial products. One such product is the Mudarabah agreement, which is a type of profit-sharing partnership between an investor and a fund manager. However, the unrestricted nature of the Mudarabah agreement has raised concerns about the potential for excessive risk-taking by the fund manager. As a result, the Restricted Mudarabah Agreement (RMA) has emerged as a more structured and secure version of the traditional Mudarabah agreement.

What is the Restricted Mudarabah Agreement?

The Restricted Mudarabah Agreement is a type of profit-sharing partnership in which the investor (Rabb-ul-Mal) provides the capital and the fund manager (Mudarib) manages the investment according to certain predefined terms and conditions. Unlike the traditional Mudarabah agreement, the RMA provides specific guidelines for the distribution of profits and losses between the investor and the fund manager. In addition, the RMA typically restricts the fund manager`s ability to invest in high-risk assets, which reduces the potential for excessive risk-taking.

Features of the Restricted Mudarabah Agreement

1. Limited investment options

The RMA typically restricts the fund manager`s investment options to a specific range of assets that have been pre-approved by the investor. This reduces the potential for excessive risk-taking and ensures that the investor`s capital is invested in a way that aligns with their risk tolerance.

2. Specific profit-sharing ratios

The RMA provides specific guidelines for the distribution of profits and losses between the investor and the fund manager. The profit-sharing ratio is agreed upon at the outset of the partnership and is typically based on the amount of capital contributed by the investor and the level of risk associated with the investment.

3. Accountability and transparency

The RMA requires the fund manager to provide regular reports to the investor on the performance of the investment. This ensures that the investor is kept informed of the progress of the investment and can take corrective action if necessary.

Benefits of the Restricted Mudarabah Agreement

1. Reduced risk

The RMA reduces the potential for excessive risk-taking by the fund manager. This is achieved through the restriction of investment options and the use of specific profit-sharing ratios that align with the investor`s risk tolerance.

2. Structured partnership

The RMA provides a more structured partnership between the investor and the fund manager. This ensures that the investment is managed according to specific guidelines and that the investor`s capital is protected.

3. Ethical investment option

The RMA is an ethical investment option that aligns with the principles of Islamic finance. This makes it an attractive option for investors who are looking for sustainable and socially responsible investment opportunities.


The Restricted Mudarabah Agreement is a more structured and secure version of the traditional Mudarabah agreement. It provides specific guidelines for the distribution of profits and losses between the investor and the fund manager and restricts the fund manager`s ability to invest in high-risk assets. The RMA is an attractive investment option for those who are looking for a sustainable and socially responsible investment opportunity that aligns with the principles of Islamic finance.