TD Ameritrade remains one of the largest online brokers and has continued to lean on its edge with novice investors. TD Ameritrade reaches customers and interested people with ramps to its services, which are based on a variety of social media sites including Twitter and Facebook. Once on board, TD Ameritrade offers customers a choice of platforms, including its core website, mobile applications, and Thinkorswim, which was designed for active resellers of targeted derivatives. If you specify the icon in the symbol selection, real-time quotes will appear in the work area. The workspace is divided into two groups of columns: bid-bezogen (links) and ask-related (right). These columns identify the market place or market maker to the given offer or ask the price with the respective number of shares purchased or sold (question/auction). In the « Question » and « Offer Size » columns, the figures represent hundreds of shares or contracts available: for example, 3 in the Offer Size column means that 300 shares or contracts can be purchased on the relevant stock market at the offer price. Clients can check more than 35 criteria such as performance, portfolio characteristics, dividends, ratings and risks, as well as fees and expenses. The Morningstar category criteria for allow clients to find targeted funds in one or more Morningstar categories out of nearly 100. Categories range from bear markets to target date funds to Japanese equities.

There are 15 predefined ETF screens and the last five custom screens are automatically saved. Customers can name and save any screen for future use. Screener`s results can be recorded as a watchlist. If you need to load additional business data into Times and Sales, you can customize the columns. Click the right mouse button on any point in the board title, then select Personalize. In the dialog box, adjust the column sentence: In addition to the default columns, you can add the bid and question values of the instrument as well as the exchange on which the transaction was concluded (in the Available Articles list with the letter X). Note that in periods and sales, scholarships are named with a one-letter code. The full list of codes is available here. For stocks and options, Level II is an encoded display of the best offer and price requests from a certain set of exchanges.

Use the switch in the top right corner of the work area to alternate between predefined phrases (books): Level II, NASDAQ Full Book and BATS/EDGE Full Book.