Clearing equipment is used to establish credits for the discount count. I have never encountered your particular scenario, so I know if the material provision is triggered when credit is made. You can try this setup and you could probably be resolved. The problem arises in the media coverage. If you report to the EAN level, you shouldn`t have a problem, no matter what hardware you use for billing. If you make the materials cost-effective at the product ID level, you have a problem because the « false » product identifier is triggered. Most of your options are in CO-PA, where you can make a month-end distribution or perhaps a subtititution based on the determination of the material before booking to the CO-PA. Depending on your permission, there may be an improvement point in the FM, which is used to create credit from the discount count, if any, you can add the logic of searching for hardware (provided that configuratio did not help), so that the right hardware is used for billing according to the period. Mike There is improved cash flow through on-time rebate requests.

A discount group is made up of materials that you want to apply at the same discount. Your system administrator can set the discount group based on the organization`s needs in customizing for distribution. Text search procedure: Include the corresponding text search procedure for the discount agreement with the corresponding text identifier. The discount criteria (customer, customer and equipment, etc.) For the types of discounts, we maintain the « 24 » requirement, which states that the types of discounts can only be defined in a billing document. 2. Then create a discount contract for this T ust VB01 code. For the type of discount agreement, you can choose either 0001 Select material from a discount group in the MMR: view- Sales, field- Rebate Grp. If you create a cond data set, you need to enter a clearing material. Types of discounts: b. for the type of billing (IMG registration > billing > processing of discounts > active discount processing > selection of billing documents for the processing of rebates.